Ride and Hike Coordinators:
Complete the specified schedules for each season:
Season Months Submit by
Spring Rides: April and May March 25
Summer Rides: June, July & August May 25
Autumn Rides: September and October August 25
Autumn/Winter Hikes: Nov., Dec. & Jan. October 25
Winter/Spring Hikes: February & March January 25
Submit completed schedules to Betty Siwinski at bettrad@msn.com. If there are open dates just list them as such. A shared Google.doc or e-mail text is preferred.
Ride and Hike Leaders submit descriptions to the appropriate Coordinators.
Sunday and Saturday Traditional Rides - Betty Siwinski, bettrad@msn.com
Saturday Alternate Rides - Janet Parslow, janetparslow5@gmail.com
Wednesday Rides - Ted Jeremicz, brule1@comcast.net
Saturday Hikes - MaryAnn Siron, ottertails8@gmail.com
Wednesday Hikes - Mike Cronin, mike9234@msn.com
Each scheduled ride or hike should contain the following information:
Wednesday Rides: The date (month spelled out and date, ie September 17), the restaurant for breakfast with the address for gps, location at which the ride will depart if not from the breakfast restaurant, brief ride description with approximate distance, and the name of the leader(s) with contact information (phone and/or email address). Wednesday rides generally start with breakfast followed by the ride. If this is not the case please specify. Ride lengths are generally 25 to 35 miles.
Saturday Alternate and Traditional Rides: The date (month spelled out and date, ie September 17), the starting location with address for gps, the restaurant for breakfast, a brief ride description with the approximate distance, and the name of the leader(s) with contact information. Traditional rides are generally between 25 and 35 miles. Alternate rides are generally between 35 and 45 miles.
Sunday Rides: The date (month spelled out and date, ie September 17) and time that the ride will depart, the starting location with address, a brief ride description with approximate distance and the name of the leader(s) with contact information. Breakfast and/or lunch stops may be part of the Sunday ride but are not required. Sunday rides can be up to 45 miles or longer.
Wednesday and Saturday Hikes: The date, the restaurant for breakfast with the address for gps, location at which the hike will start if not from the breakfast restaurant, brief hike description with approximate distance, equipment needed such as microspikes, snowshoes or skis, whether or not dogs are allowed, and the name of the leader(s) with contact information.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The content of this website is for the use of Cyclonauts Bicycle Club members only and may not be used or
reproduced in any form without the express, written consent of the Club President.
Cyclonauts Bicycle Club
Springfield, Massachusetts
The following instructions are provided to assist ride and hike leaders and coordinators in developing concise and consistent event descriptions.
Ride/Hike Descriptions Help